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Method Selection Tool

What is the aim of the BIOSIS tool?

The BIOSIS tool was developed to support decision-making during the selection process of soil biological methods for monitoring soil functions. The tool takes the specific objectives and context of the user into consideration, thereby producing a unique list of ranked biological methods for the user to base its final selection on.

The BIOSIS tool is based on the conceptual framework presented on this website, which connects soil biota to soil functions through their contribution to different soil processes. The methods assessed by the tool directly link to the biota and processes described in the four soil function frameworks .For more information about the methodology of the tool, see Zwetsloot et al., 2021 [link to paper].

How to use the BIOSIS tool?

Defining input: The BIOSIS tool asks for input from the user to define the objectives and logistical context of the assessment. The user will have to answer this set of questions before being able to use the tool.

Interpreting output: The final output of the BIOSIS tool is a list of methods ranked from high to low scores. Users’ judgment is needed to pick the methods from this output list that ultimately suit their context and objectives. We recommend that the user picks a combination of both high-scoring actor and process methods from this list. These scores should not be blindly followed. It is up to the users to make the final selection of methods that they want and can apply.

Who is the user?

The BIOSIS tool is relevant for a variety of users working at different scales.

Mechanistic understanding of multi-functionality
Useful for research at the field scale for agricultural land management.
Optimising sustainable land management
Useful for planning sustainable catchments or landscapes.
Soil quality monitoring over time
Useful for monitoring soil multi-functionality and soil quality.

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